Arm Pain

LA Pain Doctor -  - Pain Management Specialist

LA Pain Doctor

Pain Management Specialists located in Metairie, Laplace, Harvey, New Orleans, and Luling, LA

Arm pain is often caused by a sports injury. However, you can have a healthy arm and still experience arm pain when a nerve is damaged in your neck. At LA Pain Doctor, Firas Hijazi, MD, and Satvik Munshi, MD, have years of experience helping men and women find relief from their arm pain and overcome their injuries, including helping athletes return to the game with a strong arm. If you need to find expert care for arm pain, call one of the offices in Metairie, LaPlace, Harvey, or New Orleans, Louisiana, or book an appointment online.

Arm Pain Q & A



What causes arm pain?

Acute trauma, overuse injuries, and underlying health problems can all contribute to arm pain. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Muscle and tendon strains
  • Ligament sprains
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Brachial plexus injury

Pain in your left arm is also the sign of a possible heart attack. Call for emergency medical care if your arm pain appears suddenly, worsens over a few minutes, or you also have symptoms like shortness of breath, indigestion, or pain in your back, neck, or jaw.

What should I know about pinched nerves and arm pain?

If your arm is healthy yet you experience pain that radiates down the arm, chances are, the problem originates in your neck or cervical spine. A spine injury or age-related conditions, such as degenerative disc disease, a herniated disc, and facet joint arthritis, can pinch the nerves in your neck that serve your arms. Pinched nerves cause pain and tingling that travels down your arm and into your hand.

What should I know about vascular disease and arm pain?

Peripheral vascular disease occurs when cholesterol builds up in an artery and hardens to cause atherosclerosis. As atherosclerosis gradually accumulates, it starts to block blood flow. Though atherosclerosis is more common in your legs, when it develops in your arms, you’ll experience arm pain and a feeling of tightness, heaviness, cramping or weakness.

What type of treatment will I need for arm pain?

The first line of treatment targets the underlying cause of your arm pain. Following an injury, your doctor may need to immobilize your arm. You could need surgery if you suffered a severe traumatic injury.

The team at LA Pain Doctor combines their expertise in physical medicine, regenerative medicine, and interventional medicine to help you achieve optimal pain relief and restore strength and movement.

Interventional therapies target the nerves responsible for your pain. Techniques like nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablation, and spinal cord stimulation alleviate your pain by preventing nerves from sending pain messages to your brain. Your doctor may also inject steroids to reduce inflammation.

Regenerative medicine options include prolotherapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. A prolotherapy injection triggers a healing reaction, including recruiting platelets to the injured tissues. A PRP injection contains concentrated platelets that speed up healing, recruit stem cells to regenerate tissues, and regulate inflammation.

Don’t wait to get help for ongoing arm pain. Call LA Pain Doctor or book an appointment online today.

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