5 Non-Surgical Strategies to Improve Degenerative Disc Disease

If you have a nagging back or neck pain that won't go away, making everyday activities challenging, you may have Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). 

The condition happens when the discs in your spine – the little cushions between your bones – start to wear down. These discs break down due to age, injury, or just the wear and tear of daily life.

Degenerative disc disease can cause pain, numbness, or even weakness in different body parts. This condition can make it hard to play with your kids, sit comfortably at work, or even get a good night's sleep.

At LA Pain Doctor in New Orleans & Luling, Louisana, we understand how frustrating and limiting this pain can be. Our team is dedicated to helping you manage your symptoms effectively, saving surgery as a last resort. 

In this article, we'll explore five non-surgical strategies that can significantly improve your life with degenerative disc disease.

1. Tailored physical therapy

Physical therapy is a game-changer for people with degenerative disc disease, but it's not one-size-fits-all. Our therapists tailor programs to fit your needs, helping reduce pain and improve mobility.

These exercises relieve pain and improve your spine's flexibility and overall stability. 

2. Changing daily habits

Sometimes, it's the little things that count. Simple changes in how you sit, stand, and move can relieve the stress on your spine. We teach you these tricks, from how to lift objects correctly to choosing the right chair for your office. 

These changes might seem small, but they can make a big difference in your comfort level. Our approach ensures these lifestyle changes are realistic, manageable, and effective in reducing the strain on your spine.

3. Alternative pain management

Pain management doesn't always mean medication. Techniques like heat and ice therapy and even relaxation exercises can provide relief without the side effects of drugs. At LA Pain Doctor, we explore all these options with you to find what works best.

4. Eating right

Your diet plays a crucial role in managing degenerative disc disease. Foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation and improve your spine's health.

A balanced, enjoyable diet plan that complements your treatment and lifestyle is one of the best ways to tackle degenerative disease.

5. Advanced non-surgical treatments

For some people, more advanced interventions may be necessary. If this is you, non-surgical treatments like spinal decompression therapy, regenerative medicine techniques, and targeted pain relief injections might be right for you. 

We carefully administer these therapies to provide relief, especially with more challenging cases of degenerative disc disease. We aim to provide you with the most effective, least invasive treatments possible.

Surgery as a last resort

In severe cases, we might explore surgical options as a last resort. We consider this step when non-surgical methods have been exhausted and if the pain significantly impacts your quality of life or if there's a risk of more severe complications. 

Surgical procedures can range from minimally invasive techniques, like microdiscectomy to remove or repair a damaged disc, to more extensive surgeries, like spinal fusion, where two or more vertebrae are permanently joined to stabilize the spine. 

Each surgical option has risks and benefits, which we carefully evaluate and discuss with you to ensure the best possible outcome for your specific symptoms.

Being diagnosed with degenerative disc disease doesn't mean you have to be sentenced to a lifetime of pain and limited mobility. These five non-surgical strategies can significantly improve their symptoms and quality of life.

Our team ensures that every treatment plan, whether it involves conservative non-surgical approaches or necessary surgical interventions, is focused on relieving your pain. Get help today by booking an appointment online or calling our offices. 

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